Tuesday, December 29, 2009

-Many Years To Come-

yLlAicifFo, tI sAH nEEb a RaEy nI ruO htoOmS pIhSnOitAlEr, hGuOhTLa Ti tHgIm tON yLLaEr gNOl hGUonE tUb ehT EmIt sI gnIkcIt oS tSaF. sEmItemoS Ew T'nOd EziLaEr taHt ew erA gnIworG dlO yAd yB Yad. kcAb nehT m'I OS eRus i eVah eDaM A tHgIr nOIsicEd hCIhw i LlIw rEveN teRgEr, a nOIsIced Ot evol uOy roF EHt tsEr fO yM eFIl neVe hgUoht I thGIm tOn tEg ehT eMas yLpEr. fI uoY LLIts ksA Em rOF EHt reWsnA, yLeUrt I llIts eVah oN raElC reSwnA roF sIht. tuB I tnaW uoy oT wonK, llA sIht EliHw i evAH reVen tlEf EkiL sihT yaW, os gnOrtS, oS tnEdIfnoC, OS yLevIl. suHt EbAb, tel Su EvirtS ot og nO roF ynAm srAEy ot Emoc, eveiLeb ni eM, eVeileB nI flEsruOy. yaM ll'eh Ekam tI rEisAE roF su. yPPah yraseVinna, EbAb.


Anonymous said...

Not again! din is speaking Navi~

Anonymous said...

Anonymous::: Shut Up!! He's being the romantic him here.... :)
So let him be

Anonymous said...

yes..romantic words beyond comprehennsion~