Friday, January 2, 2009

-First of January 2009-

January comes again..Time flies so fast, it's the 26 januaries for me..Haha..I'm still young (think so :p)..Goodbye 2008, i've gone through a lot of glooming and delightful moments and experiences..So 2009, me hopes this year will become a good year for everbody despite the economy downturn is around the corner..Therefore, work hard guys..May Allah bless us all..

..."yesterday is already a dream...and tomorrow is only a vision...but today...well lived...makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope"...
..."life is a journey, not a guided tour"...

Let's the journey begin!!!...

p/s: Ouch!!....Semlm satu gigi geraham aku pecah ketika sedang enak memakan nuget ayam bersambilan menonton cerita Duyung di Astro...Huwaaa...Cemane le bleh tergigit batu nih?...Persoalan nye kenape lah batu tu bleh ade kat dlm nuget ni...Haha..Itu satu ujian dari tuhan mu, Tenno...Allah apabila mahu menurunkan rahmat kepada hambanya, maka diturunkan ujian atau musibah terlebih dahulu..Lalu, bersyukurlah atas segala nikmat yg diberikan padamu...dan sekiranya kamu bersyukur di atas nikmat yg diberikan, maka Allah akan menambahkan rezeki kamu, tapi jika kamu kufur akan nikmat Allah, ingatlah azab Allah itu teramatlah berat...Yes...Akan ku hargai ape yg aku ade skrg...Thanks Allah!!..

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